DIY Woodworking Project Ideas

Woodworking is a skill that takes patience, it can calm the nerves just from creating something out of nothing. Like any skill takes time and practice because Everyday is a learning day. One place to start could be what tools are needed to start a project and what you will build that project on.

One of the basic necessities is a workbench to build your projects from such as a woodworking table. An ideal bench should have a solid top and sturdy legs and a bottom shelf to put away some power tools when not in use. One idea for a top is running to your local hardware store and picking up some 2×4’s and edge jointing them together to make a panel with wood glue. as for legs you can build with 4×4’s or 2×4’s and fasten together with lag bolts or use mortise joints. A good height should be about counter height or just below your own elbow height. woodworking plans

woodworking bench
Woodbench table

A Drill press jig can expand the table to clamp down larger work pieces to make perfect 90 deg holes for dowels or attached with a special mortising drill bit to make square holes. Woodworking plans

drill press jig
Drillpress Jig

Your wood shop can be daunting to organize but can help with your productivity when everything you need for the current project is at reach and in the right place when you need. It will also be a safer environment for any user. Small shop plans

woodshop shed
Small Wood Shop
table saw crosscut sled
Table saw Cross Cut Sled Jig

One of the most versitile tools in the workshop would be the table saw combined with a tablesaw sled jig. Good for making repetitive precision cuts.

Basic tools needed when getting started

basic tools